Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Nooooooo!!!! They've got rid of the wrong man!!

Well then folks we woke up in Pandaland this morning with the news that Panther's have cut Stefan Sjogren from the roster!! Big mistake I reckon:

1)Why get rid of a good D-man
2) We all know it should have been Stutter
3) Bowen on D Pleeeeeeaaasse (Give me a break!!)

But what the heck we'll just have to wait and see how it goes. But please please please Stefan don't sign for the Squeelers!! Go to the Cap's, we don't mind that!

Anyway on to other news (Happy News!!)

Firstly It's official the Panda's are now Cult Icons!! We are now recognised from Auckland to Zaire!!

Not only did everyone love our singing efforts so much last Saturday that we had 3 (YES THREE) threads on the Cage forum with us all in but we also got a huge mention by Mick Holland in the Nottingham Evening Post. We were described as "The Panda nutters of Block 11!" We truely do now rule the world!!

Anyhow seeing as we are now so famous we thought we'd branch out and are now arranging a trip to watch the Nottingham Lions take on Blackburn in Blackburn!! The game is on Sunday the 12th of Feb. This is an official Panda Team outing!! So if your interested in coming please speak to either myself or Shaggy!! T-shirt may also be available for the trip!!

Anyway stay tuned for more updates!!


Sammo #86

If your proud to be a panther clap your hands!!

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